
2011 - Adaptive management in relation to climate change



Case study water

Litterature papers

PhD Course Programme 26 Aug 2011

Presentations PDF versions

Presentations PPTs

Student group work


Case study - road

Recommendation w.r.t cost-benefit analysis and transport case:
A good part of the material is for further in-depth information, which you may have a look at during the case work. Only a few things would be recommendable to have a more serious look at in advance, being: CBA course material with which you may wish to acquaint in advance (file names):
- 06_2009_09_22_Benefit-cost_analysis_general_approaches
- WB-NHUD 2010 Okuyama_Critical_Review of impact evaluation methodologies

Transport case material with which you may wish to acquaint in advance:
- JofTrp_geography - 2010 - Jaroszweski Chapman Petts - assessing the potential impact of CC on transportation
- Asset Management-10-2734

Adaptation to future changing climate poses enormous challenges for societies, both for designing and implementing technical infrastructure modifications and for changing societal priorities as well as people’s attitude to risk, ethics and basic values. Decision making in relation to climate change is complex in several respects. First of all, assessment of climate change effects involves large uncertainties. Hence identification of robust decisions is often difficult. Secondly, some of these uncertainties can be quantified statistically, while others can only be characterized qualitatively. Finally, decision making in a changing world requires consideration of consequences of events in economical and political terms, probabilities of these events, people’s risk perception, and willingness to change this. Therefore adaptive management is truly multidisciplinary with uncertainty, stakeholder involvement, risk attitude and possible future developments (scenarios) as key elements.

The PhD course will provide a thorough introduction to adaptive management and present the participants for methodologies and tools related to the four key areas:

• scenario  building
• stakeholder involvement
• risk attitude
• uncertainty assessments.

The course will comprise a combination of lectures and exercises. The exercises will be based on two case studies, one on water resources management and another on a national road sector. The different aspects of adaptive management are distributed among student groups, so that they collectively cover the entire adaptive management procedure. Each group will study one aspect of adaptive management in detail by using specific tools introduced in the lectures. Groups report back to plenary on the use of these tools and attempt jointly to arrive at integrating the different tools into an adaptive management methodology.

The target group for the course is PhD students with an interest in adaptive management in relation to climate change. In addition, young researchers and professionals with interest in the topic may also benefit from following the course.

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