The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) is a research and advisory institution in the Ministry of Environment. GEUS is, together with the University of Copenhagen and the University of Copenhagen, part of Geocenter Denmark. The work fields of GEUS – geoscientific studies, research, consultancy and geological mapping – primarily covers Denmark and Denmark. GEUS has a total staff of about 300. The water resources group has a staff of about 80, including 3 professors and 50 other scientific staff. In addition to its advisory role to the ministry, local authorities and the water industry, GEUS’ water resources group is strongly involved in national and European research projects. The group has coordinated two EU research projects completed in 2006 and participates at WP leader level in several ongoing projects.
Facilities and resources: GEUS hosts the national data bases on geology and groundwater related data. It has a laboratory for hydrogeochemical, microbiological and isotope analyses and facilities for carrying out field work. GEUS runs five experimental field sites for monitoring of pesticide leaching at field scale under normal agricultural management practices. The modeling group has established and further develops a national hydrological model covering Denmark with a 1 km2 grid and several geological layers.